Thursday, 29 November 2012



You will need:
White Nail Polish
Thin Black Nail Art Pen
(Bought off ebay or from Argos or some drug stores)
Tooth Pick (optional)
Clear Nail Polish.
A Steady Hand!
(In the photos i have used fake nails as it is easier to paint them and glue them on later. However, the style is easy to complete on your own finger nails.)

First, paint all your  nails white (you may need 2 coats if the polish isn't very thick)
Once your nails are dry, place 2 large dots in the middle of the nail, just touching each other, using the black nail art pen or a toothpick and black nail polish.
Next, do 2 smaller dots nearer the edges of the nail. Don't worry it they aren't inline with each other.
Connect the dots!, draw a curved line from the top of one of the bigger dots to the smaller dot on the outside of the nail.
Do the same but begin at the bottom of the bigger dot.
Now fill-in the one side. don't worry if its messy - Mustaches usually are!
Carry out steps 4, 5 and 6 on the other side.
You have just grown a mustache!

You can either leave it like this, just cover it in clear polich to prevent chipping.

Add eyes, nose and a mouth for a mustache man!

Finally, put a layer of clear nail varnish over the top to lower the risk of chips, but also to give the finishing product a glossy shine.

If you don't want to paint all of your nails in the same way, i find it also looks good on just the thumb or ring finger or both.
Now, i mustache you to please support movember.
Even if you can't grow a mustache doesn't mean you can't have one on your nails.

If women get involved to and support this charity mo money can be raised.



Sunday, 18 November 2012

Pudsey Bear, Children in Need (sorry its late)

Pudsey Bear nails.
(sorry its late but here's my creation)

You will need:
White Nail Polish
Thin Yellow, Black, White and Red Nail Art Pen
(Bought off ebay or from Argos or some drug stores)
Clear Nail Polish.
A Steady Hand!

First, paint all your nails white or what ever base coat you like (a lighter colour will make the design stand out more). You may have to do 2 coats depending on the thickness of the polish.
Once the base coat is dry, create a semi circle across the nail with the yellow nail art pen, as shown in the picture above. Then fill this in with the yellow.

Next, do 2 dots of yellow on the outline of the circle. These are his ears.
Add definition to the ears by putting a small line of black using the black nail art pen as shown above.
Using the white nail art pen draw a thick line across pudsey's face(as shown) this will be his bandage. Then dab red dots over the white using the red nail art pen. 
Next, its time for his 'good eye'. Place a plack dot under the ear where the bandage is not. To do this dab the nail with the tip of the nail art pen. (you may have to repeat this to get a larger dot). Then carefully do a curved line above the dot for his eyebrow.
Next is his nose. Simply do a large oval shape at the corner of the nail by dabbing the black nail art pen on the nail.  
Finally, put a layer of clear nail varnish over the top to lower the risk of chips, but also to give the finishing product a glossy shine.

If you don't want to paint all of your nails in the same way, i find it also looks good on just the thumb or ring finger or both.


Children in Need is a great cause, Please Support. Everything Helps! x

Sunday, 11 November 2012

Remembrance Poppy

11th hour. 11th day. 11th month.
You will need:
Black Nail Polish
Thin Black and Red Nail Art Pen
(Bought off ebay or from Argos or some drug stores)
Clear Nail Polish.
A Steady Hand!
(In the photos i have used fake nails as it is easier to paint them and glue them on later. However, the style is easy to complete on your own finger nails.)
First, paint your nails black.
Next, once the black polish is dry, take the red nail art pen and draw 2 lines connecting in the middle of the nail to create a triangle on one side.
Carry out the second step 3 times more, until there are 4 triangles. These are the petals.
Fill in each of the petals with the red nail are pen. Then, take the black nail polish and put a dot in the middle. 
Next, take the black nail art pen and outline the petals as shown in picture 5.
Put a layer of clear nail varnish over the top to lower the risk of chips, but also to give the finishing product a glossy shine.

If you don't want to paint all of your nails in the same way, i find it also looks good on just the thumb or ring finger or both.

Finally take the time to remember those who fought for us and our future. Our real life superheroes.
"From mud through blood to the green fields beyond"

Lest We Forget <3


Tuesday, 16 October 2012

Halloween Spider's web

As Halloween is looming i thought its about time i wrote a blog on spider web nails ready for the night of fright!


You will need:
Black Nail Polish
Thin white, silver and glitter Nail Art Pens
(Bought off ebay or from Argos or some drug stores)
Clear Nail Polish.
A Steady Hand!

(In the photos i have used fake nails as it is easier to paint them and glue them on later. However, the style is easy to complete on your own finger nails.)
First Paint all the nails black.
Next, using the white nail art pen go from 1 corner of the nail (a top corner is better) and create flicks accross the nail as shown.
Using the white nail art pen again, join each of the lines horizontally with straight lines. Repeat this further down the nail also.
Next, using the silver nail art pen, carry out step 3 again but between the white horizontal lines.
Then, using the glitter pen go over the vertical white lines to give the effect of a silky spider's web.

Finally, put a layer of clear nail varnish over the top to lower the risk of chips, but also to give the finishing product a glossy shine.

If you don't want to paint all of your nails in the same way, I find it also looks good on just the thumb or ring finger or both.

P.S. Trick or Treat?!

Sunday, 30 September 2012

Rio Nails

Rio nails bring out the fire in you! Don't be afraid to stand out with this easy but effective style.

You will need:

Red Nail Polish
Thin white, yellow and gold/red glitter Nail Art Pen
(Bought off ebay or from Argos or some drug stores)
Clear Nail Polish
A Steady Hand!

(In the photos i have used fake nails as it is easier to paint them and glue them on later. However, the style is easy to complete on your own finger nails.)
First, paint your nails red. If the polish is fairly thin, do 2 coats.
Next use the white nail art pen to create 2 stripes going from the bottom corner (either side). Try to use a 'flicking' motion for better effect.

Using the yellow nail art pen repeat step 2 on top of the white flicks but slightly to one side.  
Next, use the glitter nail art pen and carry out the flicking motion between each of the other 'flicks'.

Finally, put a layer of clear nail varnish over the top to lower the risk of chips, but also to give the finishing product a glossy shine.

If you don't want to paint all of your nails in the same way, I find it also looks good on just the thumb or ring finger or both.


Tuesday, 11 September 2012

Tuxedo Nails

Tuxedo nails can be used for a black tie event or what ever takes your fancy! Its a classy style that is easy to achieve.

You will need:
White Nail Polish
Thin Black Nail Art Pen
(Bought off ebay or from Argos or some drug stores)
Tooth Pick (optional)
Clear Nail Polish.
A Steady Hand!
 Paint your nails in 2 coats of white nails polish. (To coats so that the colour is thick)

Next, using a black nail art pen drawe 2 lines from the corner of your nails to meet at the centre of the tip. Then fill in the 2 triangles on the edges. 
Using the black nail art pen form a cross that will act a the bow tie.
Once again fill in the triangles.
Place 2 dots of black polish (use a tooth pick of pencil if easier) to act as the buttons between the 'V' already in place.

Finally, put a layer of clear nail varnish over the top to lower the risk of chips, but also to give the finishing product a glossy shine.

If you don't want to paint all of your nails in the same way, i find it also looks good on fust the thumb or ring finger or both.
